Walls 1 are the outer walls of the realm and are in fact the mountains that will run around the entire structure within. They are the private sector walls and comprise clusters of UMOSRAS created practices and "villages" that are set up for the work force and associates of each of the private sector practices that operate within and around the mountains. Within the mountains, there will be a network of tunnels and a multi - stop, multi - track monorail system, or the Outerspress, which will be used as a means to do business, connect with other practices or be used for workers to "commute" within the walls 1 system.
The nature of walls 1 will be set up as such: firstly the practices will appear from already existing global businesses that have been set up on the basis of a largo initiative, gathered outside the realm. The pioneers of walls 1 shall therefore be interim project managers. As the think - tank, forums and RDLJM academy start to create seniors (or graduates from the academy) they shall start to be trained up at the practices around walls 1. When the entire new team has entered their proposed practice, the existing members will begin to filter-out to the wider world as ambassadors for the realm, to generate security across the globe and to recruit and train new members for EVA, whilst creating more profit to be used in the Charity Life Arc Web (CLAW), which will provide a basis of investment in pockets around the world. This process may be repeated again and again as new infrastructure from EVA is created in other parts of the world.