There is one generation of agent who adhere to EVA (the Level 1 Platform of the Grass Roots community) and a second generation of agent who adhere to PLATE 1. Out of the four groups connected by EVA's Grass Roots, come the subject matter of Support - International and Global Business, Help - those who have been marginalised and dwell on the fringes of society, receiving little acknowledgement for their contribution, which is often overlooked for no reward, no matter how much success it brings others, Hope - those who campaign and fight for those dear to them, to achieve the recognition they deserve and whose requirements put Help to work and finally, Life - the charity that nourishes and nurtures us, giving total self sacrifice in their daily living, but on a larger scale, becoming the lifeblood of the entire platform and beyond.
The 1st and 2nd Generation of the SAF agent can be found on the level 1 Platform. Their contribution is through "Help" connections and are integral in strategizing and liaising with the other three groups. Their works are involved with, enabling wealth creation, security and armed forces and finally bringing life to the success of the platform by providing creative infrastructure that enables the common wealth to be channelled through the Grass Roots - charitable system to secure the safety and secure living for people who live within EVA's borders, while at the same time, providing the purpose for creating a platform in the first place - to look after and ensure global security and structure, through connections from our citizens, all over the world.